Toxic Consistency
Someone once said (I can no longer find the quote) something along these lines:
“I would rather maintain my views and be wrong, than change. I prefer to remain consistent.”
Whoever said this was right, in a twisted way. Maintaining the same views in light of overwhelming evidence to the contrary is indeed consistent.
Unfortunately, life’s only constant is change.
I often look at the grand adventure as consistently leaping from steady ground to steady ground on a sea of lava. Not the best way of thinking for an anxious mind, but it works. I tend to believe something for a certain period of time, I’ll learn something that challenges or changes that belief, and then adapt. This is how I became a Rogue Christian. Beliefs that remain steady (which aren’t many) make the next platform larger. But there’s always something new to learn.
There is nothing wrong with being wrong.
We need to stop demonizing the idea of being wrong as a society. We need to stop humiliating, pointing and laughing, and looking at others who admit to changing their mind as things of weakness. It takes a lot of strength to publicly admit to being incorrect about something, and even more to adjust.
Sticking to something that you know to be wrong is harmful. Not just to you, but to the people around you (do you ever wonder why some people won’t talk to you about certain subjects?) Even if you don’t agree, do we not owe it to our fellow human beings to at least understand each other, and go in peace?
There is nothing wrong with being wrong. We are all wrong at times. That is one of life’s only consistencies.
Unfortunately, so is our reticence to admit it.
We can change that.
Thanks for reading.